Thursday 16 May 2013

Ghost Knives

If you are currently playing in one of my games, which, if you're reading this, you probably are, DON'T READ THIS. You'll be spoiling shit for yourself. I realise that's not going to be much of a deterrent. There are those who will make it there business to discover my secrets just because they're secret. Looking at you Red. Looking at you.

GHOST KNIFE - a savage bone long-knife. Vicious weapons that hunt hearts and cut throats with a semi-sentient ferocity. These weapons derive their power from the souls of the creatures the knife slays.

CRUNCH: Effectively a magical dagger with a variable attack and damage bonus and an expanded crit-range.
The bonus starts at 0. It increases every time the knife takes an innocent (non-combatants typically, children, anyone you wouldn't get xp for) life.
At first the bonuses increase with every 3 lives.
When the bonus reaches +3 it will only increase again with every 7 lives.
The crit-range is 19-20.
When the bonus reaches +7 it will only increase again with every 9 lives.
The crit-range is 18-20.
When the bonus reaches +9 (crit-range 17-20) it will no longer increase, but it requires a new life every 9 weeks or the bonuses begin to decrease. If the weapons bonuses ever reach 0 again, the next fumbled attack roll will take the life of its master.

The crafting of a Ghost Knife requires a fragment of the crafter's soul. Anyone coming into possession of an existing Ghost Knife will accidentally cut themselves with it, thus binding their soul to the weapon. As long as the Ghost Knife has a piece of the wielder's soul they will be unable to part from it. No saves, no checks, no outsmarting me, it's from first blood to till death do you part. End of.

Though the nature of their crafting means the typical Ghost Knife is made from bone, it is said that in the ancient days of elven rule mighty weapons, swords and spears were fashioned with the same soul-hungry properties of the Ghost Knife. None have been discovered thus far though and so it seems likely that such dangerous and vile weapons have long hence been lost to time.

If you are a WINTERBORN ELF and you rolled Ghost Knife on the thing, either by tradition or by the whisperings of the demons of the North Wind, you know how to craft a Ghost Knife.

This is how you craft a Ghost Knife.

On a moonless night seek a family with a young child. They must invite you into their home and must give you their hospitality for a full month.

Over this month you must destroy every living thing on the property, either via cunning assassinations or by a single orgy of slaughter. Spare the youngest child.

You must dismember the inhabitants and arrange them in a sacred circle by the time the moonless night comes again. Fashion the knife from the bones of the head of the household.

Then, on the moonless night, take the youngest child up to the centre of the corpse circle. Cut yourself with the knife and anoint the child, forehead, cheeks, stomach and chest with your blood.

Slice the child apart, groin to throat.

You now have a ghost knife you sick depraved bastard. I hope it was fucking worth it.