Tuesday 23 April 2013


When I'm right I'm fucking right.

Looking back I don't even think I gave the bastard two days.

Anyway I'm suitably/bored/in need of distraction/having good D&D ideas n' games/otherwise creatively dry to start this shit up again.


The name of this blog is derived from a poem I wrote... what? Two years ago now? Umm... Summer of 2011... bugger me.

Much has gone past in the interim.

The poem, I recall, was a response to some serious seeming hick-ups in my trivial teenage experience. There was a girl and ailing relatives and some allergy panics and a lot of D&D. Thus the poem worked out to be an eight-line reflection on the appeals of escapism and the pursuit of fantasy in the face of a cloyingly cynical and savagely unfair reality, as existential threats and the nebulous tribulations of life and lust are reduced to clear, easily defeated forms, coupled perhaps with the more positive sense of power and achievement through the boundless realms of the human imagination.

So it was a load of wank really.

But yeah, I've been doing some half way decent ideas lately and I need a  receptacle for them. Hi blog.

Hi readers inevitably comprising solely of half a dozen of my friends to be shortly disappointed when I give this shit up by the end of the week!

Hi obscurity!

Hi fog of impenetrable pretention strangling my better judgement!

Let's have some fun.

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